[SOLVED] Urgent: New RAM now PC restarts loop, old RAM doesn't work anymore


Oct 11, 2018
Greetings all,

this is quite urgent because I have a project and there's a major deadline.

PC specs
motherboard: ASRock AB350M micro-atx
CPU: Ryzen 5 2600 3.4 GHz
new RAM: Crucial Ballistix DDR4 3000 16 GB
old RAM: G. Skill NT 1x8 GB DDR4 2133
gpu: EVGA GeForce GTX 3GB

I needed to put in the new RAM because the program is very heavy and kept crashing at the point I was at. Anyways, so I put the RAM in but then the PC keeps restarting in an infinite loop with a black display. The motherboard doesn't make a beep when it starts up either (I have the little speaker attached). After five or six seconds, it shuts off then restarts again.
when I tried to put in the old RAM, same issue. It does restart loop.
i got no clue why it's doing this. i had to unplug the cpu fan connector because it was in the way but I plugged it back in. I reset CMOS too using jumper method. I believe this happened to me before when I first built my PC in fall 2018 but I don't remember how I solved it. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you.
Use the new ram. I presume that both sticks are from the same matched kit.
In your motherboard manual, they will identify which two out of 4 slots are the preferred ones.

It takes surprising pressure to seat ram.
Verify that you have the proper orientation with the gap in the middle.
Open up the latch on one side. The other has no latch, just a slot.
Insert the ram into the slots. The key is to use two hands and push down evenly until the latch clicks up securing the ram.

While your ram is 3000 speed, it will default to 2666 initially.
You will later need to overclock it to get 3000 speeds.

Ryzen motherboards have had many bios upgrades regarding ram compatibility.
A current bios level update is probably a good idea.

If you...


Make and model of your PSU and it's age? You will also need to state if you're mixing and matching rams. If you are, please stop and revert to your old ram stick, using the ram slot on the motherboard as stated in the manual, which often times is slot A2.

What BIOS version are you on at the moment? You can also clear your CMOS by removing the CMOS battery from the motherboard(while the system is powered down and disconnected from the wall).

You didn't state it in your post but I'm also assuming you're on a GTX 1060 3GB, correct? You stated GTX and 3GB...hence the question.


Oct 11, 2018
Hello all,

Yes it's GE Force GTX 1060. I'm not mixing the RAM. honestly I have no idea what BIOS version I have, can't even check it. does need to be updated though but I don't remember the exact date I last updated it (it has been updated before). the PSU is 2 and half years old, Rosewill 650 W 80+
I will try to seat it properly (though I swear I think I do because when I put in the old RAM at least it's firmly in there. However the Ballistix is another story. I try to get it in there and lock it in place but somehow it comes out really easily so that probably isn't being seated well. just not sure, maybe I am not applying enough pressure) and also do what kerberos_20 has suggested.
Use the new ram. I presume that both sticks are from the same matched kit.
In your motherboard manual, they will identify which two out of 4 slots are the preferred ones.

It takes surprising pressure to seat ram.
Verify that you have the proper orientation with the gap in the middle.
Open up the latch on one side. The other has no latch, just a slot.
Insert the ram into the slots. The key is to use two hands and push down evenly until the latch clicks up securing the ram.

While your ram is 3000 speed, it will default to 2666 initially.
You will later need to overclock it to get 3000 speeds.

Ryzen motherboards have had many bios upgrades regarding ram compatibility.
A current bios level update is probably a good idea.

If you can't get the new ram to work, you may have to revert to the old ram to be able to do a bios flash.
With one stick, there will be a preferred slot to install it in.