I was editing some features in my bios and when I was rebooting the blue screen of death came up with a big sad face saying "Bad system config info". I thought this was not a big issue since I dealt with the same error phrase in windows 7 just by deleting the numproc and the truncatememory. Well that did not work for widnows 8 and through my research I found out that basically I can only refresh or restore my system. I cannot restore as I cannot lose any of my documents since I did not back them up lately. Fortunately, refresh does not delete everything but when I select the option is says "the drive where windows is installed is locked. unlock the drive and try again."My OS is installed on a 128gb M4 crucial ssd and I also have a 1tb WD hdd. I quickly installed W8 onto my hdd and thought that I could recover documents that way but that did not work either. So, somehow I believe the best way to go is to refresh and somehow unlock that ssd ,unless if any of you have a better solution. But the main reason why I am here is, HOW DO I UNLOCK MY SSD SO THAT I CAN REFRESH IT?