I hadn't heard about that, link?
Hard to find now with the insane amount of news repeating the information from the baltic cables being cut "possibly by Russian submarines".
But it was between 2015-2020 after a supposed internet collapse affecting India and many Asian nations. And it was located in an undersea cable that connected near Iran.
That would've been an electrical cable, not fiber optic. Data rates, back then, were probably like kilobits/sec, not Tb/s rates we're getting into now.
Supposedly the next generation of spy tools splices the fiber optic, set up a listening device, then "fix"while the sub moves the data..
Regarding tapping cables, there seems to be amnesia here about the Edward Snowden revelations, all the spying that the US does on international and domestic traffic, not acknowledged in this article. China and other actors are merely trying to copy what the US has long done.
US has had backdoors on many network devices for their intelligence services.
Hence why the US fears chips from HuaWei and similar are using similar technology to have backdoors for China.
Let 's not even mention the firewalls and antivirus having to forcibly give the master keys to the intelligence services in the US if they want to even sell their products there. XD