TJ Hooker :
IceMyth :
I dont think Canada is an easy target. What Canada did, is contradict the say "Criminal is not guilty until it is proven not". When USA failed to present any hard evidence in 1st trail then, I would drop the whole case. What they did now is hey USA try to figure out any evidence (or make it) to send her to US. But it is all economic war against Huawei because they are doing better than USA companies in particular Apple and the other companies that are working to rip off and sell people data.
It's not Canada's job to come up with evidence against her. The US had an arrest warrant out for her, and Canada has an extradition treaty with the US. Canada had an obligation to hand her over. I have heard a few commentators mention that in situations like these sometimes the would-be extraditee would be tipped off prior to flying to the country to avoid this kind of political fallout, but once she landed in Canada the authority's hands were tied AFAIK. The fact that the US seems to be open to using her as a political bargaining chip is unfortunate, but outside of Canada's control.
What "1st trial" are you talking about?
Yea my bad there, I thought there was an appearance or a hearing. From what I heard the landing wasnt an issue, but her leaving the plane for medical reasons what the reason that gave Canadian the authority to arrest her.
Regarding the evidence, true. It is not Canada Job. It is US job, but if they didnt have anything in hand then the arrest/warranty for her was illegal and as you said it is more as deplomatic that Canada and Huawei CFO became part of it.