USA for Sale, Half off all Roads and Bridiges!

While I appreciate roads and highways, I often wondered why there were so many and laid out poorly. We're seeing the affects of a poorly thought out design. Serious review needs to go into many of these roads to determine if it is the ideal situation, or if it should be revamped for efficiency.
What I find really reallly realllly poor about this is, they talked about everything except that before they had plenty of monies, and now they dont.
Same or higher gas taxes, plate taxes etc etc.
Same or more local and state taxes etc etc
Higher fed taxes for their contributions etc etc

When youve planned years ahead to be in the red, and designed the whole system on a certain growth, with more/higher availibility of taxation, it slows at all, and here we are.
Some need to just start thinking fully instead of seeing the results, start asking why.

Instead they say:
In exchange for the funding, the firms are getting an ownership stake in the projects. That means they'll get a cut of the tolls, and also be responsible for the maintenance.

The arrangement has some people nervous.

There is a fear that governments are losing some control of the roadways. If the maintenance doesn't get done, what recourse do they have to force the private firms to act?

But the number of suitable projects is fairly limited. They mostly need to be in high-use, high-population areas where the toll revenue can exceed construction and operating costs.

But where it can work, experts see expanded opportunities, provided the deals are done correctly.

I thought these were the shovel ready jobs weve already supposedly (borrowed) paid for?
I guess people are really sheeple, and will swallow this tripe, again, without even asking themselves why?

The article makes no sense once one understands how US foreign policy works. So am not sure how much of it is actually true.
Us foreign policy is all about how it can buy Assets all over including china, and not aloow certain nations like china to buy assets back in US. The only thing they are allowed to buy is entities like worthless US bonds.
Here an earlier interview, with one of the more reliable economists who speaks most sense in the US today.

One must understand, today in your country, The battle is not China vs your country, but your country against your own!! To be more specific it is a 1% over the rest of the economy. Its finance vs the real economy. Finance has taken over america in the last few decades, industry which is what made you great. Look at how washington works. Campaign contributions from corporates (finance mainly), runs your government. Policies are created to benifit them over the rest of the economy, anyday, anytime! When banks were bailed out, what did the FED do? They just simply created money and gave it to the banks, to let them do whatever they want.

What central banks do (or supposed to do), is actually create money and push it into an economy (with a certain target to keep inflation within limits), by funding public infrastructure at free of cost, so you can drive on them for free without paying any toll!!
Instead what is happening is,
1. Either commercial banks create money and push it into the economy (central banks are not allowed to). Now these private entities decide where the created money can be allocated and what it can be used for in an economy. Guess what happens? They push it into already existing assests like housing to obtain maximum profit with least risk.
Look what is happening in europe. In europe, government (centeral bank) cant create money. They can only borrow! So lenders (financial industry), dictates what the productive economy should do. Cut jobs, cut spending, sell off and privatise public infrastructure, and go into recession for god knows how long!!!
2. Central banks create money, but dont use it for the economy. In the US, centeral banks can create money, but after they create it they are not using it to help the economy at large, but they are pushing it to the banks or into military spending nd so forth. This is one of the key reasons why your economy is still doin not so great, or still in a recession (Depending on whom u ask). Now with not enough money in governemnt, what will they do to build/maintain "U.S. highways and bridges"? They are forced to sell it for lack of funds. Meaning, they get privatised. By privatising, who do you think is buying them? Financial industry at large. Now, what happens is, what you earn as the rest of the economy, part of the savings which could have gone into buying goods and services to enhance your lifestyle, instead you will be giving this to a financial class who get more economic power to buy more public assets (by creating economic tool booths everywhere possible). Roads, highways, electricity, water, you name it is next!! What belongs to public can now belong to a finncial class who *earned it* buy not earning it!!!!!!!!

Welcome to new world of Washington style (Wall street style), Financial Capitilism vs Industrial Capitilism!!! (Not an easy read. You *won't* find better articles than this, that considers of the entire economic system)
I want to buy one of those big turnpikes and put pitstops on each corner so weary travellors can take a break from the traffic.

I'll put karaoke bars on them ... wait ... make it Boost Juice Karaoke bars instead.


Those 'genius planners' are civil engineers my friend.

It depends. When I was in Seattle they did have stop signs on some busy ramps, and traffic lights that only stayed green for one car. Their logic was to regulate how many cars try and access a road at one time, you can trick drivers into not entering all at once with stop signs, then they trickle in and dont mess up the freeway for the rest of us.

Or.... Car mounted weapons to deter "Traffic Crimes". Kinda like the original death race, but with less hand grenade more mounted flamethrowers.
Considering where i live, there is not that much traffic. in all honesty, no one treats the STOP as a stop, more as a yield. It prevents cars from backing up for a long stretch for highway systems.

The green light system mingo is talking about is a traffic regulation ramp along the I-5 corridor from southern Oregon to Northern Washington. It helps keep rush hour at bay...never really helps because all the dumb cali's migrated up north about 5-8 years ago 'destroying' beautiful Portland and Seattle. 🙁