Usage and power problems with new gtx 1080


Apr 24, 2017
I just installed a new 1080 in an old HP 8200 elite with an i7 2600. In certain games (Ghost recon and ryse son of Rome) I will hit a voltage limit while using only 60% gpu usage and gpu power. In ghost recon lowering the settings from ultra to very high will boost to aprox 80% each. In other games such as AC Syndicate it will go to high 90% but bounce around a lot and bump the voltage limit repeatedly. My cpu is usually running about 70%. My gpu and cpu temps are in the 60s or below. I play in 1440p and usually cap my frames at 60 since that's my refresh rate. I also run 2 psus one that came with the comp and one for the GPU and a fan (430 watts). If anyone has any ideas how to get my gpu and power usage to 100 and beyond pls lemme know
hey man i had the same problem with my gtx 1080 when i upgraded from r9 290. so i was kinde of confused at the beggining becoue i have i7 4790k 4.00ghz and people say its bottelnecking. whell it kind of was but not becouse of my proccesor. it was my 16GB of ram that was making the system bottleneck. my ram was ruannning on 666hz d my gpu usage was 50-80% becouse of the ram not keeping up with the gpu and cpu. (what i did was that i went to my BIOS settings and made sure that my ram was running on 2400hz and my usage and fps is all good now)