Question USB 3.0 and Elgato HD60s (Ports are Crashing)

Feb 14, 2019
I recently purchased an Elgato HD60s brand new. The first few days I got it, it was working flawlessly. I had my computer turned off for about 3-4 days and came back to record some gameplay and my Elgato kept crashing while in a USB3.0 port, which it needs. If I plug it into a 2.0, for one, it will not record - but it will not crash while in the 2.0. Which makes me believe that there is a problem with my 3.0 ports.

When I say it crashes, it disconnects my Elgato and I have to go into my device manager, uninstall it, then plug it back in and it will work for another 5-10 minutes but do the exact same thing. Also, I have noticed in my device manager there is a problem under under the USB tab. The error shows an alert sign next to my 3.0 USB hub, I'm guessing? I can disable that, but as soon as I try to re-enable, it crashes my computer then once my computer restarts, there's no error until we go back to step one. The error (as seen in the picture above) "Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43)"

This is really starting to annoy the crap out of me and I've tried almost every solution, kind of an exaggeration, but you get it. I've reinstalled my Elgato Drivers, Motherboard Drivers, purchased a new USB connection for my Elgato, and more. Any help is appreciated.