I vaguely remember this, but I think a while ago I installed some Via USB 3.0 driver and the front panel USB actually worked, but then at some point it stopped working. When I bought my components from pcpartpicker, they said that my motherboard does not support front panel USB, when clearly it has a socket for it. But, when I plug in the connector for the USB 3.0 to the socket on the motherboard, it literally does nothing. Do I possibly need to reinstall those Via drivers? Or enable something in the bios? Yes it's only one USB, but that seems to be one USB that I really need to use because I've used all my other ones.
Here is the PCPartPicker page: (The bottom of the page also gives me the note about my motherboard not having usb 3.0 headers)
Update: Changed link.
I vaguely remember this, but I think a while ago I installed some Via USB 3.0 driver and the front panel USB actually worked, but then at some point it stopped working. When I bought my components from pcpartpicker, they said that my motherboard does not support front panel USB, when clearly it has a socket for it. But, when I plug in the connector for the USB 3.0 to the socket on the motherboard, it literally does nothing. Do I possibly need to reinstall those Via drivers? Or enable something in the bios? Yes it's only one USB, but that seems to be one USB that I really need to use because I've used all my other ones.
Here is the PCPartPicker page: (The bottom of the page also gives me the note about my motherboard not having usb 3.0 headers)
Update: Changed link.