Question USB 3.0 PCIe card without power cable is a waste of money?


May 24, 2015
I built my rig before 3.0 was widely available, but it the motherboard does have two 3.0 ports, which may or may not actually run at 3.0 speeds . . . .

So I bought a PCIe card with four ports. But didn't get one that also had the SATA power cable connection.

Is it the case that I'm fine when connecting devices that have their own power supply, but not something like a little notebook hard drive that gets power through the USB cable?

I built my rig before 3.0 was widely available, but it the motherboard does have two 3.0 ports, which may or may not actually run at 3.0 speeds . . . .

So I bought a PCIe card with four ports. But didn't get one that also had the SATA power cable connection.

Is it the case that I'm fine when connecting devices that have their own power supply, but not something like a little notebook hard drive that gets power through the USB cable?

SATA drives would get power from the PSU.
SATA data cable connects to that PCIe adapter.
My confusion came from a review of the card I bought, suggesting it would be unable to support something like a notebook's external USB drive, which does not have its own power adapter. However, the manufacturer's website indicates differently. If you can get past the grammar, power does not actually appear to be an issue:

What is Feb Smart Self-Powered technology?

Self-Powered Technology is a solution to add more power supply for USB expansion card. The old version PCI Express USB card need to plug a power cable from the desktop computer power control center. Even you add additional power sometime it lack of power when you running few high power-consuming devices simultaneously like hard disk.PCI Express Slot can provide 75W max almost 12V/6.25A. We add on a voltage transformer on the USB card get 5V/15A max power. Then we add a power module on each USB ports distribute current for each port 5V/2A.Most of the high power-consuming devices just need 4~8W which means this USB expansion card can be running few the high power-consuming device simultaneously in high speed. To protect data device we build a safety electric circuit protector for each ports. Do not worry data loss or burning the data device now .Choose fast and safe data connection with Feb Smart.
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