USB 3.0 Port Not Working


Jun 29, 2014
Hey guys I am currently having trouble using my USB 3.0 Port on my PC. This is a custom with a NZXT Source 210 Elite Black Steel with painted interior ATX Mid Tower Computer Case w/ Black Front Trim case off of NewEgg and MSI ZH77A-G43 Motherboard. I do indeed have the USB 3.0 Plugged in and as far as I know Drivers are installed in Device Manager.

Any help is appreciated

P.S I can provide more info if you need :) Thanks agian
As I said - if you device is working, then it can only be the connection. Check that the connector is on properly on the right connector on the mobo. And that the case cable is in good condition all the way up to and including the usb port on the case.
Yup only one which is on the front. Rest is USB 2.0
Under Device Manager under Universal Serial Bus Controllers I have Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller and also Intel(R) USB 3.0 Root Hub and they are both working. Im not sure if this has anything to do with whats happening though but for the USB 3.0 Root Hub the location is "Location 0"

I have tried my iphone charger and a memory stick which both haven't worked. And if you mean where I plug the USB 3.0 connector in? Yes its blue on motherboard. IT used to work but Im not sure why it doenst work no more.

As I said - if you device is working, then it can only be the connection. Check that the connector is on properly on the right connector on the mobo. And that the case cable is in good condition all the way up to and including the usb port on the case.
So After a bunch of frustration I came to the conclusion that It was something in the BIOS. I used the OC GENIE II which apparently stopped USB 3.0 to work. After going back to Standard Mode in BIOS for motherboard, USB 3.0 started to work again.

Thanks for the help :)