USB 3.0 ports don't recognize portable WD drives


Jul 21, 2015
I have done my first BYO computer, but am having trouble with my two WD My Passport USB portable drives. I installed Windows7 Home Premium, with all updates, an Asrock H97M Pro4 MB, with all updates. Microsoft tested and confirmed my install, WD assisted in testing the portable drives, cables, and that all USB 3.0 drivers were installed/updated. My USB 2.0 devices (flash drives, keyboard, mouse) work on all my USB ports (six USB 3.0 ports- 2 in front, 4 in back; two USB 2.0 ports- in back). The two portable drives however, work only in the USB 2.0 ports, with the pop-up window “This device will perform faster when plugged into a USB 3.0 port….”. When plugged into the 3.0 ports, they are not recognized- there is no window to “Open and View Files”, and they don’t show up in Device or Drive Management. Does anyone know how I can get the 3.0 ports to recognize them?