USB Boot Trouble


May 5, 2017
Hello all,

After trying to overclock my AMD Phenom II x6 1090T by changing the cpu clock ratio (just this ratio), my computer got the boot bcd error. After this happened, I downloaded the Easyre.iso file that supposedly fixes windows problems on my friends Macbook and burned it on to the usb drive.

Now my question is, what formatting does a mac os do to the usb file when it burns the .iso image on to the usb? When I look at it in the finder, it is now labeled as CDROM. And when I insert the usb into my broken computer, it gets detected as 'USB-HDD0' in the hard drive section of my bios. Not any of the 4 USB categoreis. Now the problem isn't being able to detect the usb because it does show up in the hard drive category, and I've tried to boot it from manual boot, and just leaving the computer on, but it still goes back to the boot/bcd error. Any help would be much appreciated!! Thank you!
The file structure for Windows and a MAC after world apart. It's best to format you own USB drive off a laptop that is on Windows. I'm going to assume you posted in this section knowingly so I'll accept that your system is running Windows 10. If that holds true, you're best option is to recreate you bootable USB installer for Windows 10 using Windows Media Creation Tools and then reinstalling your OS. Often the errors seen on Windows 10(and that of boot errors except for memory issues) are from a corruption in the OS.

In short, get a hold of a laptop that is running Windows 7/8/8.1/10 and recreate the Easyre.iso but you're going to have to reinstall your OS.

Thanks for the input Lutfij! I have no other means of getting a computer with windows on it because my roommate is a Mac user! Is there a way to format the usb to FAT32 on mac so that it will be bootable on my windows 10 computer? And what do you mean by fresh install? Shouldn't I try to boot the easyRE.iso (the windows recovery tool) first?