USB Bootdisk - EFI UEFI?


Aug 14, 2014
I recently installed windows. When creating my bootable USB i was presented with an option I hadn't seen before. I think it was to make the boot disk EFI or UEFI?

Anyway, I have noticed a cursor when I boot windows that didn't used to be there on the starting windows screen, an underscore. Basically the BIOS cursor.

Also, it seems like hard drive access times are slower. Did I do something wrong?

So, at first I couldn't get the USB to boot. I may have been using a USB3.0, but I was definitely using a 32gb USB stick. I switched to a 4gb stick (may have switched ports, not sure), but I definitely changed the way I formatted the stick.

For the successful installation, I selected MBR partition scheme for UEFI computer. The default had been MBR partition scheme for BIOS or UEFI computers.

Before the re-install of Windows, I didn't have that "leftover" _ cursor on the "Starting Windows" page, and I do think hard drive access was faster, although that may be unrelated.

Does that help clarify?

Appreciate the response!
If the USB drive is plugged in, theoretically things can be slower IF any of the following is true:
1) Indexing is active (especially if Windows is trying to index the USB drives)
2) Virus/Malware scans are active (again - if they are scanning the USB drives - it could be slower)
3) There is a partition and/or hardware problem with any drive in the system (Optical, HDD, SSD, USB - any of them.....)

Right. No, the only way the USB drive would be related to slowness is if by installing from an oddly/differently partitioned USB makes a difference in the way Windows is installed or partitions the system drive.

Use a program called Rufus: You can make a PC/AT boot USB Stick from an EFI Bios Machine
I have used this and it works wonderfully