USB car Charging Questions


Aug 16, 2014
I use Car charger to charge my phone.
Sometime I leave my phone when it is charging and I don't want the battery to go dead, so my questions are this: Is it okay to keep my phone plugged in after it is done charging? Will leaving my phone plugged in after it is done charging hurt my phone?

So my answer is: absolutely NO. Each phone has a built-in chip that controls the charging state of the battery and stops the charging process when it's finished. You may keep the phone connected to the charger for weeks, nothing will go wrong with the battery. When the level falls under 100%, the chip will start the charging process again and will stop it when (the level) raises up to 100% again.

The same is valid about tablets and notebooks too.

I agree with that, but I plug mine in when I go to bed and unplug it when I get up. I've done it that way on several phones and I haven't noticed any ill effects. I may be hurting the life of my batteries, but I can't say that I have.
Its have another solution such I use Avantek Car Charger to charger to charge my device. Avantek USB Car Charger Has Not given over charge to charge the device.

I Avantek Solve your Problem.

So my answer is: absolutely NO. Each phone has a built-in chip that controls the charging state of the battery and stops the charging process when it's finished. You may keep the phone connected to the charger for weeks, nothing will go wrong with the battery. When the level falls under 100%, the chip will start the charging process again and will stop it when (the level) raises up to 100% again.

The same is valid about tablets and notebooks too.

It shouldn't hurt your phone in any way. And as a just in case, once a week drain the battery all the way to 0%, then charge it back up to 100% (Without using it whatsoever). This is a very good way to optimize your battery and keep it on it's A game.
You would not believe the FUD going around related to how to best handle Li-ion or Li-po batteries. So much stuff borrowed from different chemistries, so much pure rubbish.

At this point I'm reserving comment until a major manufacturer puts out a guide or a large research study publishes results.
Well i wouldn't recommend it because when ur phone is charging it goes through many cycles to charge and once it done charging or reaches 100% the charge cycle continues but this time it drain the battery overtime it is believed that the capacitor loses its ability to store charge( basically ur battery will store less charge). Which means in the long run ur phone will run of of battery fast and u will have to keep charging it more often if u continue on this path.