USB DVD Changer?

Pavel Horniak

Mar 31, 2015
Hi. I want to buy car radio with android and external usb dvd drive support.

I was wondering, if exist something like CD changer (6 discs) but with dvd support and usb output. You know, like external dvd drive with usb port, but i will be able to choose from 6 dvds.

I have seen some kind of dvd changers but only for audio and movies (with video output).
but without usb, so i will not able to acess data on dvd.

What about building own? 6 disc cd changer and exernal dvd player, replacing some part... is it possible?

Or 6 external dvd drives, usb hub and some android app that will handle it like dvd changer.

Building your own? lol good luck, aside from all the logsticl and mechanical problems, you would need to know how to program a SoC cpu to manage this thing

There is no Android App that would do this you would need to program one, and that will talk to the hub, and a hub that would even power 6 of them. This would not be a simple programming task.

I still don't see a point to this. Whatever you could have on those DVDs could be ripped and put on a simple thumb drive and work better with no equipment involved.

i know how to do that. usb hub, 6 dvd drives, and arduino with relays, that will make that only one drive will have power. radio will not see other drives, only one powered. selecting will be with 6 buttons connected to arduino.
+ one button to provide power to all dvd drivers at same time placed next to drives because of changing dvds. :)

128gb thumb is good idea, but if have lot of movies on DVDs, and lot of music on CDs, first i need to copy all data from CDs and DVDs to that usb thumb. And when you buy movie it is on DVD (or BD, but infrequently in my country), i can just insert DVD and i dont need to copy all data using PC. one DVD drive should be enough, but DVD changer can handle 6 discs, and i dont need to change them so often.

Except at this point you are going to have 6 dvd drives, have to power them, put them somewhere and program an arduino to somehow control them to then HOPE that they work with your Car stereo (and usually the USB ports on those are only made for thumb drives).

Or you can spend a little time ripping what you want to watch to a portable hard drive or a large thumb drive and not deal with the insanity of this.

Android radio i am going to buy supports USB DVD drive. (so iso9660 and udf formats are supported).
only problem can be power supply. but i can power it using 12V from car battery, and LM1084 5V 5A Voltage Reglator.