USB External HDD won't dismount


Feb 11, 2014
Just a quick question, I have some large external storage USB HDDs and quite often when I'm done backuping my files to them it'll refuse to be safely removed because "A program is using it", I can leave it on for hours and it will still refuse.

What can I do when this happens, and does telling the computer to restart or shutdown 'safely' turn off the external HDD? I'm just worried about hurting my backup drives when I can't safely remove them.

On a side note, recent HDD fail events have made me paranoid, can you use Chkdsk on USB HDDs?
Are you using any back-up software/application to do the back-up procedure? And yes you can use chkdsk on USB drives. You can also try to use Seatools and WD Diagnostic Tool to check errors and SMART info of your drive.
No software, just straight up copying the files over and then deleting the old files, It usually only seems to refuse to dismount safely after doing a large backup, if I just use it for 10 minutes or so it behaves. And this is true for my 3 different externals.