USB external hhd not seen in Bios


Jul 22, 2013
I have the A88X-Pro MB. A couple of months ago I managed to copy my Win 10 on a 500g external drive. The Bios saw it and I had no problems. Now, I would like to update that backup, cause I corrected a corrupted Win 10, the same that is on that HD, with the later version. I had set up the Boot sector as being the first to be seen, but it does not see it. The boot option only shows my main Sata HD and DVD. I called Asus and the outsource help they have is useless. I able to see the drive in windows explorer, and when I plug it in, so does Windows sees it, but again, not my Bios. Any ideas why that same Bios acknowledged it once and not again? BTW, I've read other posts that had similar problems to no avail.

OK then...if you created a new backup on that USB drive, whatever was there (the backup of the corrupted install) has been overwritten. Unless you took specific pains to make that not happen.
Unbeknownst to me, I just copied my existing corrupted win 10 to it...but regardless, since my OP, I managed to find out why it did not boot, and so I deleted the backup and copied my iso to it, which now makes it bootable. That being said, when it opens up a blue box appears asking me if I want to repair Win 10 or install Win 10? The latter, first. Here is where I was stumped again. I do not want to repair the existing better version, but would like to back it up to my external drive as i previously did, but confused when its asking me if I want to install Win 10. Does it mean a new later version of it that would override my existing system, or does it mean to copy it to my external HHD? Naturally, i prefer the latter, but if i clik on install, it may be to late to stop it, if its going to override my good version. One never knows what one gets these days with updates and repairs.

Anytime it asks to do major "repair", you really need a verified backup of things, so you have a fallback point.

I've never used the built in Windows backup, so I'm unsure of exactly why it is asking for that, or what, exactly it will do.

Personally, I use MAcrium Reflect. Much greater control and more fine grained operation.
I've never used the built in Windows backup, so I'm unsure of exactly why it is asking for that, or what, exactly it will do.>>>

The program that i am now using is the iso one, sorry, i omitted that. The win 7 backup was made with the corrupted version, so i went ahead and copied the iso program to the external hhd, cause that was the only way I knew of on how to make it bootable in order to make new changes to it, and be recognized by my Bios to boot to it. So its that program that is asking me if I want to repair Windows or install it.
Unless you're installing the OS, you can't (easily) boot Windows from a USB.>>>

That is not my intention to boot windows from a usb i just want to make a backup copy of my existing system to the external in the event of a crash or whatever


From earlier...
"so i went ahead and copied the iso program to the external hhd, cause that was the only way I knew of on how to make it bootable in order to make new changes to it"

I remain...confused.

Does the system currently work? Is the 'corrupted' install, or something that works better?
Does the system currently work? Is the 'corrupted' install, or something that works better? >>>
Sorry, i tried to make it as clear as possible for me. I am not trying to make the system work by making a backup. The corrupted version was deleted from that usb hhd, before i copied the iso to it.

OK then...if you created a new backup on that USB drive, whatever was there (the backup of the corrupted install) has been overwritten. Unless you took specific pains to make that not happen.