USB Fc99 UDISK flash drive problem


Jan 26, 2011
I have a lot 512MB USB flash Drive made in China. the big problem is the device is not working fine. all the data storage in it becomes corrupted.

i will reward $$$ ho can solve my problem. maybe will need some firmare update or program to correct the files loaded on it or some program to make secure copies, i dont know. already try a lot thing.

hope u accept the challenge.

ps. once u store data on it unplug and plug again you dont see nothing, but the file are there (hidden)
unfortunally already bought a lot of that, so thats why the reward.
otherwise i like to resolve things so i will have to fix it one way or another.
the idea of foros is tyo get help from people who know more than i do. if you dont know, just simple do not comment on that.
already try unmounting it correctly, and still doesn't work.
per i read, i guess is a low level format or firmware upgrade need it.
the f.. factory doesn't appears and i have cero chinese language.
already format it fat16 @32K and works not perfectly but sometimes whit eror, and already try the real capacity of the USB and appers good.
at this time i just have some clues to fix but nothig real.
well hope you guys can give some tips
well, all it stuff have two parts, hardware and software, eve if you can not load or make upgrades. in this case of course the usb has an firmware, now if that has an upgrade i have no clue because the chinese company is not listed in the website or his name is so wear or is in chinese.
anyway iJack hope u do not cease in this campaing, the USB problem must be resolved, regarless there is a reward for that. if not for tech stuff let's do it for money 😉
I have the same problem with usb keys i got from China, i did not order them but got them instead of what i ordered :/

The problem with them is , that when i copy let's say a movie to the usb drive, it copies to the flash drive and ok .. But when i try to open the movie, it's corrupted..

I've tested some program called "PortFree Production program 3.27" but that does not seem to do any good , just get errors and problems..

It's been a while since your post, did you ever get this issue resolved? I bought a couple USB flashdrives from china and its the same thing, i put some video files on it, and when i try to open it, it doesnt work... like the first episode i put on there works, then all the other ones afterwards don't......
if u have an answer, please email me at THANKS! i appreciate it, i bought 4! i hope they can work!
Well I had the same problem and resolved it by mini tool partition wizard.
I had a 4 gb china made usb drive. I deleted the complete partition on usb disk and created a new one with some less space say 3.89 gb. The new partition which seem to have less space fixed my corrupted drive.