USB headset mic isn't working, but the audio is fine.


Sep 30, 2015
My mic on the headset isn't working. I can hear through my headset, its a USB headset. Here a list of things I tried to do to fix the mic on it:
-uninstalling drivers and reinstalling them after restarting my PC.
-made the microphone on my headset the default recording device.
-Setting the mic level to 100 in the properties menu.
-Made sure the mic wasn't disabled.
-changing USB ports.

My headset:

Please help me, I would very much appreciate it! Thanks!

I do have Realtek audio manager. What conflicting settings should I look for?

You could try going to the microphone tab and test different audio quality settings,
Or the different microphone effects listed (they will vary from different computers)

Edit: If that doesn't work, try going into the recording device settings from the volume icon at the bottom right of your screen. Choose the "communications tab" to use and apply the different settings one by one for testing. (example of these settings: do nothing, mute all other sounds)

Its not working, I hope the mic isn't spoiled D:

I will try the mic on another computer tomorrow. I've had my mic for over a month now, so IDK if I can return it. The mic just slowly died over time, until it stopped working completely.

I just checked my order history, I got my mic about 100 days ago. 🙁 tough luck for me.

That is music to my... eyes. Thank you for spotting that, you made the rest of my night ^^