USB hub overload?


Apr 18, 2015
So me and my father stream on twitch, and therefore we have to be using two webcams (logitech C920's) on one computer, as well as our new 2i2 mixer for our mics. My problem is that when streaming with OBS, I can't use both webcams and the mixer at the same time, because of I'm presuming, a USB overload.

If I remove one webcam, all is perfect and I have no hiccups. But if both webcams are on, the mixer will freeze or the keyboard will turn off or the stream will freeze in general.

I have tried mix and matching about every USB port and plugcombination I can and I just can't get it to work with both webcams. I can't even get a PCI USB hub because I use that PCI slot for my capture card for our gameplay.

I'm at my wit's end here and I don't know what else to do, the mics sound amazing so I really don't want to have to return them. (We used both webcams with a blue yeti mic before we got this mixer and all was perfect)

Bought an internal PCIE USB expansion card, plugged the webcams in there, and the mixer into my regular PC USB ports.

The mixer STILL freezes on me, but the webcams are fine. What is going on here?
Last night we were able to get if working flawlessly with everything working together, by just raising the mixer off the ground and on to our table.

Today, we go to see if it's working, and the exact same problem happens again. Our audio freezes every 20-40 seconds. Loss for words.