I'm looking for a hub that I can use to build into my desk. I'll be hiding this hub underneath my keyboard slightly. It's use is to plug in anything I need without having cables running around.
Including my keyboard/mouse.
I'd like to find a hub that can plug into my computer internally so to reduce the chance of any latency that may be caused by using a usb port.
While asking this I am curious to know if plugging a hub into a different port can affect any performance. IE: if I plug into the chassis usb ports versus the motherboard ports. Which is the main reason I'd like to be able to plug directly into the motherboard so I don't experience any issues at all and this hub acts as it's own unit, not relying on a usb port it plugs into.
So, USB hub to place into desk that plugs directly into motherboard. Perhaps also separate power? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Including my keyboard/mouse.
I'd like to find a hub that can plug into my computer internally so to reduce the chance of any latency that may be caused by using a usb port.
While asking this I am curious to know if plugging a hub into a different port can affect any performance. IE: if I plug into the chassis usb ports versus the motherboard ports. Which is the main reason I'd like to be able to plug directly into the motherboard so I don't experience any issues at all and this hub acts as it's own unit, not relying on a usb port it plugs into.
So, USB hub to place into desk that plugs directly into motherboard. Perhaps also separate power? Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.