USB laser printer in dos ?


Jun 11, 2017
So how do i get to print in modern printers from a machine which only has ms-dos. Please note that for some reasons I don't want to use a windows pc.

Since DOS can't talk to USB, you'll have to get a Parallel->USB adapter cable.

But from what I hear,I will be able to print only english that way. My software also uses bengali and hindi.

I'm not quite sure how the cable knows or cares what language you're using.

Dos the current DOS system have a parallel port?


Female.I think i will check my motherboard and get a converter.It should print graphic too right?

You must have special program utlities for code page translations.There is a lot of special utilities: printfil, dosprn, dosprint etc.
I choose a dosprn utility for my customer. It could print DOS reports directly into USB printers without interconnectors.