Relevant specs:
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
ASUS M4N78 Pro
Chipset: nVidia GeForce 8300
CPU: AMD Phenom II 945
Mem: 8GB DDR2 800
Details: Replaced MB, CPU, RAM. Booting into BIOS, USB keyboard and mouse detected and function properly. Booted into Windows 7, they stop working.
Device manager shows 4 entries with conflicts:
Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
High Definition Audio Controller
Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
ALL OTHER USB DEVICES that I have function properly. HD webcam, Wacom tablet, usb flash drives, usb HDDs (includes SSD drives and other 2.5" and 3.5" types), usb microphone, and many other device types.
ONLY usb keyboard and mouse affected. Three different keyboards, two wired and one wireless usb mice tried but all fail. All of them work on other machines running Win8.1, Win7, and Ubuntu. Fortunately I have a PS/2 keyboard so I can work on this problem...but no PS/2, Go, keyboard shortcuts!
I have uninstalled each of the drivers to see if the OS would correct itself on reboot. All reinstall, but with the same conflict issue. I have disabled and re-enabled Legacy support in the BIOS to no effect. The keyboards and mice not only function fine in BIOS, but the BIOS visibly lists them.
I have installed the latest chipset drivers AND updated the BIOS to the latest firmware.
I am about to TRY to perform a System Restore to a point before I installed the chipset drivers, but I doubt that will work. The initial USB keyboard and mouse I had plugged in weren't working then, either. I will update this IF the System Restore makes any difference.
I have searched and found this issue in many, many places. Things I have found in common with my exact issue that others have: The same devices I have with conflicts others have, we all have nVidia chipsets with Windows 7, although they are different chipsets and different motherboard brands and models. I find it interesting that the conflicted devices are all I/O related, regardless that it seems to affect only USB keyboards and mouses.
This is NOT a Windows 7 USB3 issue! Those particular problems have different device conflicts and seem to mostly affect Intel chipsets, although a few nVidia chipsets with this issue are around and most seem to affect Windows 8.1. This motherboard doesn't have USB3 on it, anyway.
Thanks in advance to everyone who offers any insight.
Windows 7 Pro 64-bit
ASUS M4N78 Pro
Chipset: nVidia GeForce 8300
CPU: AMD Phenom II 945
Mem: 8GB DDR2 800
Details: Replaced MB, CPU, RAM. Booting into BIOS, USB keyboard and mouse detected and function properly. Booted into Windows 7, they stop working.
Device manager shows 4 entries with conflicts:
Standard Dual Channel PCI IDE Controller
High Definition Audio Controller
Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
ALL OTHER USB DEVICES that I have function properly. HD webcam, Wacom tablet, usb flash drives, usb HDDs (includes SSD drives and other 2.5" and 3.5" types), usb microphone, and many other device types.
ONLY usb keyboard and mouse affected. Three different keyboards, two wired and one wireless usb mice tried but all fail. All of them work on other machines running Win8.1, Win7, and Ubuntu. Fortunately I have a PS/2 keyboard so I can work on this problem...but no PS/2, Go, keyboard shortcuts!
I have uninstalled each of the drivers to see if the OS would correct itself on reboot. All reinstall, but with the same conflict issue. I have disabled and re-enabled Legacy support in the BIOS to no effect. The keyboards and mice not only function fine in BIOS, but the BIOS visibly lists them.
I have installed the latest chipset drivers AND updated the BIOS to the latest firmware.
I am about to TRY to perform a System Restore to a point before I installed the chipset drivers, but I doubt that will work. The initial USB keyboard and mouse I had plugged in weren't working then, either. I will update this IF the System Restore makes any difference.
I have searched and found this issue in many, many places. Things I have found in common with my exact issue that others have: The same devices I have with conflicts others have, we all have nVidia chipsets with Windows 7, although they are different chipsets and different motherboard brands and models. I find it interesting that the conflicted devices are all I/O related, regardless that it seems to affect only USB keyboards and mouses.
This is NOT a Windows 7 USB3 issue! Those particular problems have different device conflicts and seem to mostly affect Intel chipsets, although a few nVidia chipsets with this issue are around and most seem to affect Windows 8.1. This motherboard doesn't have USB3 on it, anyway.
Thanks in advance to everyone who offers any insight.