Question USB Peripherals keep disconnecting; failed to troubleshoot using many methods!

Jan 26, 2022
My mouse (Razer Naga Trinity) keeps disconnecting and reconnecting to my PC. I know it's not just the mouse but USB devices more generally since my webcam also disconnects sometimes.
I've tried the devices on other PC's and they work fine.

I've reinstalled all USB drivers, disabled USB suspend, changed advanced power options and updated my windows. I've unplugged all other USB devices going into the I/O to rule out EM interference, it still disconnects and reconnects.
I've also run Command Prompt and ran DISM and SFC tools, which didn't work either. I've also disabled Fast Startup.
I'm really at a loss. I've followed all the steps on the following websites:

PSU: Corsair Rm850x Gold 850 watt (Bought new in July 2021)
MOBO: ASUS Prime x570-Pro (Bought new in July 2021)
CPU: Ryzen 3800X (Bought new in July 2021)
GPU: GTX 1650 (Bought new in July 2021)

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
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Update your post to include system hardware specs and OS information.

PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition?

Also take a look in Reliability History and Event Viewer. Either one or both may be capturing some error code, warning, or even an information event related to the USB disconnects.

= = = =

How many USB devices are connected to your PC?

Are they all being powered only by the PC?

If possible obtain an independently powered USB hub and plug the devices into the hub.
Updated with the info for hardware specs. I've had a look at the Reliability History and Event Viewer, neither seem to be picking up the disconnects.
I have 3 USB devices connected to the PC, all being powered only by the PC. Surely an x570 board paired with an 850watt PSU can handle it?
Right I've updated BIOS, had a problem booting for a moment but I'm up an running now. Will update you soon to see if it's been fixed! Thank you for the help!

"Surely an x570 board paired with an 850watt PSU can handle it? "

One would hope so.

What devices are using direct motherboard USB power?

Mouse noted - what other devices?

I've got a Corsair Commander Pro plugged into a USB header on the MOBO but it's powered directly from the PSU. I've also got a Corsair Node plugged into the other slot.
In the I/O I've got an older Logitech keyboard and a new NIIEVPU 2k webcam+mic, plus the mouse.

The mouse seems to like the USB port that's controlled by the CPU and not the X570 chipset (Dark blue) and now my keyboard seems to dip in and out. Perhaps the X570 chip doesn't like too many USB devices? I'm now trying the keyboard in the Ryzen controlled slot too to see if that fixes the issue once and for all!

After you changed the advanced power options, did you open the Device Manager and check the Power Management options for all of the usb related devices to make sure none of them were marked "Allow the computer to turn off etc."

Yeah I did that, no USB device can be turned off automatically to save power
Going out of my comfort zone when it comes to chipsets etc..

However, I do not believe that it is a matter of too many devices per se. I started looking into and at the power requirements for all of the connected devices.

Came across the following review by "JustWindowShopping":


Setup fans, follow instructions and label each fan, they must be plugged into the commander pro IN ORDER. If you don’t then all the fans will malfunction. You need to plug the commander pro into your power supply with the computer completely off via SATA, then plug the USB 2.0 into the MB. Don’t plug the commander pro into a dedicated fan pin on the MB because the commander pro will not work.

After setting up your CORSAIR RGB fans into the “lighting node pro” that comes with the 3 pack (in order). This must also be plugged into the power supply via SATA. Then plug the Power cords into the command pro ports labeled “fan” (in order). Instead of using the lighting controller, use a 3 pin female adapter to connect the lighting node pro into the commander pro port labeled “LED 1”. Make sure to do this same technique if adding more than 3 fans, and keep the fans plugged into the commander pro in order. I’m attaching a diagram I found on corsairs website. Hopefully this helps!

= = = =

Review has other comments and also includes a diagram.

Certainly not endorsing the review itself - no way for me to really test and verify . Point being that it appears that there are any number of ways for things to go astray . And that is without even delving into the Corsair Node (which happens to be shown in the diagram). Or actual power/wattage requirements. for it all.

And I also wonder about the Gen1 and Gen2 USB ports per @rocktalkrock in Post #7. You answered the question and tried the other port which is good.

Sketch out your own diagram to show all connections, pins, adapters and so forth. In the process you may discover some error of omission or commission.

Or realize that something is otherwise not correct or in question. Then research accordingly.

Post your diagram using imgur ( Good chance that someone may spot a specific problem.

I still believe that the problem is power related . Would be happy to see that eliminated - no vested interest either way.