USB Power stays on after pc shutdown


Aug 8, 2015
Hello guys,

I need your help and support with my problem thanks,

I have searched this forum for a answer regarding my issue but the answers provided to my problem do not fix my issue. My motherboard is the z97x killer/3.1 and I have had this issue since the bios version 1.00 and i have updated to the latest bios version 1.50 and still the issue remains.

Whenever I shutdown my pc my usb ports still provide power to any device attached to them. I had a MSI GAMING 5 mobo prior to this and that mobo didnt have this issue. On my MSI mobo soon as i shutdown the pc the usb port power was off, any device connected would not recieve any power. I replaced the msi gaming 5 with the asrock z97x killer/3.1 mobo because my msi gaming 5 mobo sata ports messed up. But this motherboard works fine just the issue of when i shutdown the pc the motherboard usb ports and the front usb ports conntected by the usb 3.0 header still have power to the ports. I have enabled deep sleep s4-s5 in my bios and saved and exited and shutdown the pc and the issue remains. I cleared my bios settings to default and enabled deep sleep s4-s5 and still the issue remains. I dont know what to do. I even cleared the CMOS and tried deep sleep s4-s5 again and still issue remains. Any help would be really greatful.

Thank you

i5 4690k @4.1ghzt
Asrock z97x killer/3.1 Bios version 1.50
16gb ddr3 hyper x savage ram 1866mhzt
samsung evo 512gb ssd
1tb, 3tb and 500gb HDD for games and documents, photos, movies and files
Supernova G2 850wat PSU
This is actually an intended feature, not a problem with the motherboard. If you want to disable it, go to the bios and enable EUP. At least thats what its usually called. If you cant find it just consult the motherboard manual and look under power settings.

There are no power settings within my motherboard bios. I have read the manual and located the online manual no such options exist within my bios. while i was reading the possible solutions within this forum, I came across enable "EUP" again no such option exists within my bios. Thank you for your reply I am truely greatful.
Hello, ASRock motherboards have a built-in USB feature called fast charging similar to some of the MSI motherboards. Except instead of MSI whereas 1 port usually is only powered after shutdown. Asrock allows all USB ports to be powered even after shutdown. Now usually there is a way to disable this feature on Asrock motherboards, you may have to disable all of these features
(PS/2 Keyboard Power On
Allow the system to be waked up by a PS/2 Keyboard.
PCIE Devices Power On
Allow the system to be waked up by a PCIE device and enable wake on LAN.
Ring-In Power On
Allow the system to be waked up by onboard COM port modem Ring-In signals.
RTC Alarm Power On
Allow the system to be waked up by the real time clock alarm. Set it to By OS to let
it be handled by your operating system.
USB Keyboard/Remote Power On
Allow the system to be waked up by a USB keyboard or remote controller.
USB Mouse Power On
Allow the system to be waked up by a USB mouse. ) Before USB power will be cut off.

Thank you for the reply, I will try the options you stated here and disabled them and infom you of the outcome.


I have disabled all the settings you have told me and still the usb ports provide power. I even enabled deep sleep s4-s5 with all the settings you told me to turn off the second time round and the ports still provide power. I dont know what to do, I have a pc with a Asrock z77 Extreme4 and a i7 2600 cpu and that was doing the same thing as this pc whenever i stuck in a usb device the usb ports provided power. I went into the bios of the Asrock z77 Extreme4 and enabled deep sleep s4-s5 and the problem went away. But this pc that I have hear which is the z97x killer/3.1 still provides power even with deep sleep s4-s5 enabled. I even turned off all usb ports through the bios so only a ps2 keyboard could be used all my devices turned off but soon as i connected my phone or a external hard drive the usb ports gave the device power and i was shocked to see this as all usb ports were disabled and turned off.

Hi guys,

I purchased Asus P8Z77-V and that because my asrock matherboard broken down, and to not invest a lot of money I chose this model.
I have the same issue anyone have an solution?