Usb power surge problems


Aug 30, 2015

Last month I have been playing video games and my mouse and keyboard have randomly been turning off for around 2 seconds at a time and turning back on again. It made a windows ding noise when it happened. One time when I was tabbed out of my game it happened again and this time it popped up with a message that the usb had exceeded its maximum voltage and it caused it to turn off. It turned right back on again so I shrugged it off. Today it happened 3 times in 45 minutes and I'm writing this from another computer because my keyboard and mouse won't turn on. I re plugged them in to different usb ports, and restarted my computer multiple times. I plugged my mouse into this laptop (2009 macbook pro) and the mouse won't work but the keyboard will. When the mouse is plugged into the macbook it says, "Please remove the device causing too much power to re-enable USB devices.” Therefore I'm not sure if the mouse is broken or if it just means that the macbook can't handle it because its from 2009. I can get my keyboard working on my custom pc if I don't have my mouse plugged in but not vice versa. Please note that after the last usb power surge happened the leds on my keyboard will not turn on except that when plugged in the caps lock and num lock leds flash on and off repeatedly. I want to know WHAT caused this to happen, how to FIX it and how to AVOID it in the future. I would also like to know what kind of damage this could've potentially caused. Thank you.

Thank you for answering I've been posting this everywhere and I can't get a straight answer. I still have a couple of questions. I am assuming it is the psu and am going to get a new one. However my keyboards leds wont' seem to turn on after the surge. Will it be fixed after I get a new psu or is it permanently damaged? Same with my mouse. Also what psu would you reccomend thats good that would give me room to crossfire with new gpu in the near future? Lastly pcpartpickers compatability notices pointed out that "the Avexir Core Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory operating voltage of 1.65V exceeds the Intel Haswell Refresh CPU recommended maximum of 1.5V+5% (1.575V). This memory module may run at a reduced clock rate to meet the 1.5V voltage recommendation, or may require running at a voltage greater than the Intel recommended maximum." So im not sure weather that would have anything to do with surges or not?