I'm currently putting together my first build and the research I've done into which method of receiving wifi is best has raised more questions than answers.
Half the community say that using a PCI card will give the best performance while others say a USB is not only easier but will give the same if not better reception. I'm currently leaning towards getting a PCI wireless card however this then raises the question of which one.
This is my motherboard, and I have Virgin Broadband through a Virgin Superhub at 50mbps.
I'm looking to spend no more than £40 and less than that if possible so would appreciate thoughts and suggestions.
Many thanks.
I'm currently putting together my first build and the research I've done into which method of receiving wifi is best has raised more questions than answers.
Half the community say that using a PCI card will give the best performance while others say a USB is not only easier but will give the same if not better reception. I'm currently leaning towards getting a PCI wireless card however this then raises the question of which one.
This is my motherboard, and I have Virgin Broadband through a Virgin Superhub at 50mbps.
I'm looking to spend no more than £40 and less than that if possible so would appreciate thoughts and suggestions.
Many thanks.