I have built a new gaming pc originally running windows 8.1, and my usb ports didn't work in windows. I have a MSI z97 G45 gaming mobo. I have every single driver is could get for it installed. I tried literally everything, and yes I tried using 2.0 ports. I have a k9001 wifi card with 3 usb ports that work fine, so i use those. I thought maybe that was shorting out my normal usbs so i took it out and the usbs still did not work. I upgraded to windows 10 hoping that would work, but my front panel and mobo usbs still don't work and i'm out of ideas and need help. In bios i can see my usbs and what is plugged into them and when i do that i can see my keyboard and mouse plugged in, and then i start windows and they stop working. I'm at a loss right now