USB's not working after shipping desktop


Dec 26, 2014
I just came home from college, and I had to transport my desktop in a check-in suitcase out of necessity. I removed the hard-drives, but I could not remove the bulky cpu cooler because I didn't have a screwdriver and I had procrastinated taking it apart to the day of my flight. I turned it on when I got back, and everything worked, except for the usb ports and the monitor. The fans, gpu, disk drive, and motherboard lights themselves all turned on with no problem. I took off all the components, and I can't identify any visible damage. I assume this is something to do with the motherboard. Does anybody know what I should try? I understand my motherboard may be boned but I'd really like to avoid dropping money on a new one if I can.

I plugged the hdmi into the mobo port with both my monitor and tv and neither worked. Any other idea?