Use Dhcp server or auto config


Aug 24, 2015

I have windows 10 and I'm wondering in my router settings which I use as a wired connection (Ethernet) I have just the one computer. I'm only using the router for a hardware firewall. I have a netgear router I'm wondering for ipv6 should I use the setting use dhcp server which is what my ipv4 uses or should I use auto config? I guess I'm wondering which selection would show faster results getting into webbsites. Or just better performance in general. Also do alternative dns servers for ipv6 really make a difference as well in terms of speed and performane getting into websites and stuff like that. I know they say that Ipv4 do Like google dns servers. And open dns.

Thanks a lot.
My router is a DLink... the Internet settings that I've auto detected (for Comcast as well) are:

Autoconfigure (SLAAC/DHCPv6)
Obtain IPv6 DNS Servers automatically

on the LAN side it is Automatic IPv6 address assignment (SLAAC + Stateless DHCP)

That help?

Yes Comcast does support it. So since it does what setting would you recommend? I think since we are running out of ipv4 addresses More websites are going to be using ipv6 and are using it already so more cable companies are using it as well. Comcast does use it yes.

My router is a DLink... the Internet settings that I've auto detected (for Comcast as well) are:

Autoconfigure (SLAAC/DHCPv6)
Obtain IPv6 DNS Servers automatically

on the LAN side it is Automatic IPv6 address assignment (SLAAC + Stateless DHCP)

That help?

So if you don't mind what is your opinion of alternative dns servers like google open dns or open dns servers do they really make a difference? As I have heard about them but have never used them. I'm open to try though if they will make a difference in speed?

I use the OpenDNS with a free account and the widget (like a DDNS widget) to keep my web traffic "cleaner"(?) I've not implemented thier IPv6 DNS, if they even have it.

In most of the Public WiFi systems that I help deploy, we use the Google DNS +

Okay I got it. I use a wired connection with my router and On the lan setup the router itself is being used as a dhcp server that box has a check in it. which automatically assigns an Ip address from the cable company. So wouldn't it make sense to use dhcp for ipv6 as well?