
Jun 4, 2012

As the title says, I need a suggestion on choosing a used graphics card.

Both cards are about 40 euros where I live, but, the thing is, I got a 450 w PSU and I don't
know, will the power supply be enough for the faster card (Radeon HD 4870).

My apologies, but I can't provide the PSU brand or exact power output, cause I don't have it right now.
I was just told that is an 450 w power supply, (35 dollars new, if that helps in the quality section) and
I think that it will be enough for the 4850, but I am not sure about the 4870.

Any suggestions?
My options right now are, buy a graphics card with no knowledge of the psu,
or buy GPU and a used PSU just to be sure.

Thanks in advance.

"just don't overclock it" Won't help a thing if it can't run it in the first place... If the PSU has low amps on the 12v line it won't work.. simple as that. You can have 450w PSUs that only have something like 12-16 amps on the 12v... meaning it would only provide 144w-192w... and would not function, and could fry and take out other parts of your computer.


Jun 4, 2012
Just for quick reference, it will work on 17' monitor, so about 1280x1024 resolution, i don't think it will run at full power.

Depending on the game it could easily run at full power at that resolution... are you willing to gamble your whole computer on it?