My laptop doesn't boot from the USB and the bios software seems like goreware. I at first reset the BIOS to factory settings, UEFI boot: enabled, Legacy boot: unchecked, secure boot: disabled, legacy boot: enabled. I followed the advice of "Change from legacy to UEFI native with out CSM" I think I must do and "disable secure boot w/o UEFI" which I believe I did. When I click esc. then f9 for boot options I get:
Legacy - Micron_M600_MTFDDAK1TORBF:
Legacy N/W - Intel Corporation:IBACLSLOT00FEv016
PXE - E61 - Media test failure, check cable
I made the slackware disk in Rufus. Why can't I boot into it and what is required of the USB memory stick to be bootable? I am confused and not that smart.
I have tried several options from enabling legacy boot and playing around with the UEFI options. I know there is certainly a single or multiple settings in the BIOS of this computer that will allow for a boot into either fedora or slackware. What are these settings? Legacy support is enabled and secure boot is disabled. I enabled MS UEFI CA key. I have all legacy ROM on, fast boot off, enabled the USB boot, UEFI boot order option is now disabled w/ SATAO: Windows Boot Manager and USB:[EMPTY], respectively and now I enabled Legacy Boot Order w/ USB:[EMPTY], SATA0: Micron_M.... And NETWORK BOOT: Intel Corporations: IBA CL S...., respectively.
I created a bootable USB of Slackware-15-x64 live with ethcher and when I boot now it does not recognize the USB and does not boot into windows. Boot device not found it says.
I don't think the left USB port works TBH.