[SOLVED] Used space isn't right

May 15, 2021
I have a new MSI with an SSD. I have only one 60G game installed and 11 G of mods. My system tells me I've used 193 G. Besides the OS and what came installed I don't have anything else except for small files and such sized in the MB range, and I don't have many of those - it doesn't seem like these things should be using 123 G worth of space. Plus, my SSD reads at 475 G so I assume that the OS takes a storage 25 G anyway (because it's a 500 G SSD). When I explore my storage, it tells me there is 42 G on the desktop - in actuality I don't have anything remotely like that.

Can anyone help me to figure out how to get my system to read usage accurately?

Thank you.