One human cell contains about 75Mb or raw data inside one DNA molecule. One spermatozoon contains half of that amount of data, which is equivalent of 37.5Mb.
On average, 1 milliliter of sperm contains 100 millions of spermatozoons.
Let's explain more; average ejaculation of a man last about 5 seconds and contain about 2.25 ml of sperm. If you take all that into consideration, a male throughput is:
(37.5Mb X 100000000 X 2.25)/5 =
(39321600 bytes in 1 spermatozoon X 100 millions spermatozoons in 1 ml X 2.25ml)/5 seconds = 1 769 472 000 000 000 bytes per second
Or in layman terms = 1609.33 Terabytes per second
Now, have in mind that female ovum can accept only one spermatozoon, meaning that ovum manage to survive DDoS Attack of more than 1,5 thousands Terabytes per second and in that attack accept only single packet of selected data.
Conclusion is that ovum has incomparably the best hardware firewall ever designed on the Earth, and it is difficult to realize that human will need a lot of time to get close to that.
The only, but biggest problem is that single selected packet of data which goes through firewall freezes the system for full 9 months.