User Account Disappeared


Jun 20, 2013
Hello everyone I was hoping someone on here might have a solution to my problem.

I was trying to setup an SSH server with COPSSH yesterday. Anyway it didn't work so I uninstalled the program and now my user account is gone. When I booted up my PC today I could not log in anymore. I managed to gain access to the Administrator account and when I checked the user accounts in command prompt using "net users" command only the guest account and the Administrator account showed up. However my account folder still exists in C:\Users and it still appears in the registry under:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

I have tried creating another user account with the same name but Windows 7 doesn't like it one bit. It keeps throwing up errors all the time.

I can't use System Restore because my OS is running on an SSD so I disabled system restore to get better performance. Guess i'm regretting that decision now.

Help with this issue would be greatly appreciated.



Thanks for your suggestion but the account has completely gone so its not just disabled. I checked local users and groups and the account is not listed.

Okay I added the account and when I try to log in I get this message: The user profile service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.

Thanks again, what you suggested has helped quite a bit but not fully fixed the problem yet. I followed the steps on that link you sent me and my system is now detecting the account and it shows up in the login screen. However I am still getting that message when I attempt to login to that account.