Using 2 Duel Channel Memory Kits Together


Oct 11, 2010
I have a question for the Tom's community about memory and would appreciate any helpful answers.

Right now I have a set of Kingston Hyper X (white series) DDR3 1866 RAM (2x8gb) which leaves 2 memory slots on my Asus Z97 Sabertooth Mark S motherboard empty. I'm quite OCD about detailed things and don't like the nakedness featured in my custom white themed build. Before I ask the question, I'd like to pint out that it's mainly for aesthetics and really nothing else. I'm aware that I won't see much, if not any performance gained, but that's alright with me. :)

My question is. Could I buy two sets of duel channel RAM (4x4gb - each set of course is 2x4gb) and run them together? I'm pretty sure they will still run at duel channel right? Not quad channel?

I know it's best to just buy a quad channel kit so all is from the same batch, but with the memory I'm wanting to buy I can't find a quad channel kit. They're the Avexir Core Series white cameo editions that would match perfectly with the Asus Z97 Sabertooth Mark S motherboard I have.

Here's the Newegg link:

Would it be alright to go ahead & buy 2 sets to populate all 4 of my RAM slots? Or is that the wrong thing to do? I'm somewhat lost on this question.

Thanks everyone for any and all help. :)
Yes, you are right, they will run in dual channel, not quad channel. This is because your motherboard (just like pretty much all LGA1150 motherboards)only supports dual channel, not quad channel.

yes you can buy 2 sets if you want, but if you want to upgrade the ram later, to 32GB, then you will need to buy 4x8GB, since your motherboard only has 4 slots. And then you will have 16GB of ram left over.

really, are you sure it isn't anything else, because i have mixed my ram several times before.
Thanks guys for all the opinions / info! :) I just noticed the price has come down from $62.99 to $39.99 and figured what the heck, I'll just go ahead & order 2 sets and see what happens. :) I've read up that the prices of RAM are the lowest in 26 months and just know they're bound to go back up soon, so placed my order with Newegg just a minute ago.
Thanks Tradesman1! :) If that happens I would appreciate that & will send you a PM 😉

Hopefully I'll be alright, but I know now there's a possibility something might go wrong. Appreciate all replys! :)
Received the two sets today and installed them. All is working fine and once XMP is loaded, they're at the correct frequency's of DDR3 2400!!

Thanks everyone for the replys and help! :) Tom's is the best choice when it comes to computer questions and answers! 😀