Question Using 3 Sticks Of DDR-4 8GB RAM = How To Tell 3rd Stick Is Being Used ?


Nov 1, 2016

i was using 2 sticks of 8GB RAM (16GB total) but usage goes to over 80% regularly and even spike above 90% at times so i decided to add a 3rd stick of 8GB RAM............

the 3 sticks of RAM (8GB each = 24GB total) were detected by Task Manager and Speccy (recognized as dual channel) i reckon the first 16GB will run in dual channel and the last 8GB in single if the pc is using less than 16GB - does that mean i've wasted my money since the 3rd stick is totally not in use ? :??:

i also noticed my monitor screen will flicker sometimes when loading a another webpage..............CPU usage is also slightly higher, though the culprit is Chrome browser......o_O
Unmatched ram can cause problems.
Run memtest86+
It boots from a usb stick and does not use windows.
You can download it here:

If you can run a full pass with NO errors, your ram should be ok.

Running several more passes will sometimes uncover an issue, but it takes more time.
Probably not worth it unless you really suspect a ram issue.

The matched capacity will run in faster dual channel mode, the unmatched part will run in slower single channel mode.
Not usually a big difference unless you are using integrated graphics.

Ram will always show about 80% "used"
That is because windows keeps unused code resident in ram in anticipation of fast reuse.

To see if you are truly in need of more ram, start task manager while you are acively using the pc.
After a while, look at the performance tab and open resource manager.
Select the memory tab and look at the hard faults column.
If you see anything north of 0/second, more ram is useful. Otherwise not.
Hard faults are bad, they interrupt the cpu of an app while they are resolved.
A particularly long time if your page file is on a hard drive and not a SSD.
if the pc is using less than 16GB - does that mean i've wasted my money since the 3rd stick is totally not in use ? :??:
Yes - any unused ram is wasted ram.
With more ram you should be able to have more browser tabs open simultaneously.
i also noticed my monitor screen will flicker sometimes when loading a another webpage
Are you using integrated graphics?


Nov 1, 2016
Unmatched ram can cause problems.
Run memtest86+
It boots from a usb stick and does not use windows.
You can download it here:

If you can run a full pass with NO errors, your ram should be ok.

Running several more passes will sometimes uncover an issue, but it takes more time.
Probably not worth it unless you really suspect a ram issue.

The matched capacity will run in faster dual channel mode, the unmatched part will run in slower single channel mode.
Not usually a big difference unless you are using integrated graphics.

Ram will always show about 80% "used"
That is because windows keeps unused code resident in ram in anticipation of fast reuse.

To see if you are truly in need of more ram, start task manager while you are acively using the pc.
After a while, look at the performance tab and open resource manager.
Select the memory tab and look at the hard faults column.
If you see anything north of 0/second, more ram is useful. Otherwise not.
Hard faults are bad, they interrupt the cpu of an app while they are resolved.
A particularly long time if your page file is on a hard drive and not a SSD.

it did go above 0/second intermittently...........

running Task Manager (under Memory usage) - it says 6GB is i reckon 2GB of the 3rd 8GB RAM stick is being used ?

since DDR-4 RAM is now discontinued - the distributor won't be able to offer lifetime warranty anymore....? having 3 sticks is good since if 1 of them were to become least i still have 16GB..........?

Yes - any unused ram is wasted ram.
With more ram you should be able to have more browser tabs open simultaneously.

Are you using integrated graphics?

yes, i'm using integrated graphics...............2GB already reserved for that........
since DDR-4 RAM is now discontinued
the distributor won't be able to offer lifetime warranty anymore....?
Seller warranty depends on local laws.
Manufacturer warranty for ram modules is usually lifetime. having 3 sticks is good since if 1 of them were to become least i still have 16GB..........?
It lowers ram performance and can cause ram compatibility issues.
So ... not very good.
yes, i'm using integrated graphics...............2GB already reserved for that........
Have you considered getting a discrete graphics card?
That would free ram reserved for graphics to user processes.