Antimax14 Reputable Nov 4, 2014 22 0 4,510 Jul 10, 2019 #1 Hi! I just upgraded my gaming pc to a i7-9700k and gtx 1070. However, will streaming be better with a dedicated streaming pc with an i5 4690k?
Hi! I just upgraded my gaming pc to a i7-9700k and gtx 1070. However, will streaming be better with a dedicated streaming pc with an i5 4690k?
Gam3r01 Titan Jan 12, 2013 25,414 976 115,440 Jul 10, 2019 #2 Chances are you wont really benefit from it, depending on what you plan to stream. It certainly wont hurt to try it out, see whats worth it. Upvote 0 Downvote
Chances are you wont really benefit from it, depending on what you plan to stream. It certainly wont hurt to try it out, see whats worth it.
punkncat Polypheme Ambassador Apr 3, 2018 12,038 3,269 62,890 Jul 10, 2019 #3 It meets the minimum criteria for Twitch, for instance, so yeah...why not? Upvote 0 Downvote