Using an Nvidia GPU with a AMD motherboard


Aug 31, 2016
I am looking to buy a new PC, and the board is Gigabyte 78LMT-USB3 (rev 6.0) which is an AMD board, the GPU is a Zotac GeForce GT 710, and the CPU is AMD FX-4300 3.8Ghz. What i want to know is, whether the Nvidia GPU can be used with this motherboard, and whether I can use an Intel CPU or not.

P.S.: I don't know how old any of these are, so suggestions for similar, newer models, if any, are welcome
it will work just fine in the motherboard, Trust me I just overclocked the snot out of a GT 710 with an AMD phenomII X4 965BE . just note while the GT 710 is surprisingly better than I expected, it still is a very weak card. if you can get it for about $30-35 it is justifiable, but any more and I would just spend for a GTX750.
it will work just fine in the motherboard, Trust me I just overclocked the snot out of a GT 710 with an AMD phenomII X4 965BE . just note while the GT 710 is surprisingly better than I expected, it still is a very weak card. if you can get it for about $30-35 it is justifiable, but any more and I would just spend for a GTX750.
Yes, you can use it. I would also recommend getting at least 750 or 750Ti since 710 is good but not great.
If you are asking that can an Intel CPU be used on this board then the answer is a clear NO. If something else please clarify.

Thanks man, really appreciate the help. Also, as I asked earlier, are these components relatively new, or are there newer models I should switch over to?
well for AMD CPUs I would look into the 6350, it has two extra cores which you could fine useful for multi tasking while gaming. there are no new chips for AMD until January or February. an intel chip physically will not fit in that board. although an intel system might not be a bad idea. as I said above for a GPU I would look into at least a 750 if you want to do any gaming above 720p and CSGO with decent settings.