Hello all, well these two are usually linked to a mac or iphone, via BT however, both do have a 3.5 m line-in jack. I could've lived with their little downsides (H9 lacks volume/ Beolit lacks esprit) until, I found your thread here and also this Audirvana software came across my eyes. eversince kind-of caouldn 't stop believing that there actually might be a cure for their "bottleneck" deseases but still this app is not really handy nor easy to understand. Also of no use when using a phone as audio-source. So I came to the conlusion that all that hassle of sampling and tweaking around in the end always would lead to nothing but naught as the signal I produced is being transmitted via digital bluetooth connection. On wirerd link the programm would recorgize the final devices. All the IT- hassle with "Audivirna" of tweaking, upsampling, converting my entire library and who knows what else will end up as a gigantic waste of time at the gates of bluetooth ... Both devices support aptx and have a 3,5 jack line-in. Whereas the headphones would continue working without active noise canceling on the 3.5 jack even with empty battery, but the speaker has to have either battery power or a direct cable to a wallplug. Reading all these super helpfull threads here, I ended up believing in the thesis that both seem have a built-in amp(H9 must be a very weak one though), but I am not sure wether only one of them, or both have a built-in DAC. I strongly suspect at least one of them would benefit a lot from an external DAC. Afterall I'm afraid I still cannot determine wether they really do or don,'t .. Also what type would they the need? Combo of Amp/ Dac, or Dac only? what type would you guys suggest? Is it worth the effort ? High What can I and what can I not expect ? Also I don't want to fry their electronics first-handedly lol.. I would really appreciate if some of you guys could set some light on my path here, guys ! Cheers and thank you !