Using MY Windows Key On A New Motherboard

Brian Wood

Dec 3, 2013
So I am upgrading to X99 here in a few weeks and just for budget purposes, I need to know if my Windows 8.1 System Builder key will work on the new motherboard. I have it installed on my Z87 MSI board. I went from 8.1 to 7 half a year ago. Went back to it and the key still worked fine. I know pre-installed Windows keys will always be tied to a motherboard. But I also hear that System Builder and Full Version's will or won't do that. I need clarification PLEASE. Searching around on Google takes a lifetime and I don't have time to waste. So, please, I need a straight answer on if I can use MY 8.1 System Builder software on a different motherboard once I upgrade and format the drives. OR, is there a way to deactivate the current windows so that I can use it on the new board?

Any questions, please ask and I will respond quickly. Need to know if I have to spend another $100 or not.

No. It may choke a little on activation, but all you might need to do is activate via the phone robot.

Awesome this restores some money in my pocket. Thank you very much!