Hi, im using an AMD HD6990, i7 2600k@3.40ghz, kingston hyperx 8gb ram@1600mhz, asus p8p67 pro rev 3.0 motherboard, corsair hx 1000W psu and im running win7 pro 64-bit. I do everything at 1920x1080p...so when i play games i usually leave fraps and msi afterbuener running...in some games i get really low fps (crysis 1 25-50fps) but im getting 60-120fps in crysis 2...in f1 2011 i have also low fps and when i exit the game msi afterburner shows me that only 50-60% of gpu1 and gpu2 has been used...i have all the latest drivers installed and i dont know why cant get everything out of my card in some games.