Using partition magic


Jul 21, 2012
Hey, I want to upgrade my HP laptop from windows vista to windows 7. If i use partition magic and erase everything from the hard drive and use a bootable usb to install window 7 would this work? I really dont use any of the hp services so i really dont mind if they get deleted or not....I just want to make sure the computer would still run properly.
Don't use partition magic. Just use the windows 7 installation, if you really want to get rid of the hp partitions, delete all partitions, and continue the install. Windows installation can do everything you want.
That depends on whether you've got OEM/retail or upgrade licence. If it's upgrade licence for W7 then no since you need to have a previous version of Windows installed and activated in order to proceed with the upgrade.

Either way, you just pop in the W7 DVD/USB and enter your new product key, then on installer location screen click drive options and just delete all the unwanted partitions and install 7 on 'unpartitioned space'.