Using RGB devices with ARGB header with WS2811 board

Feb 4, 2019
Like so many fresh builders out there, I am tackling the problem of two different types of RGB platforms (RGB and ARGB), and I only have an ARGB header on my motherboard, the Asus ROG strix H370-I. However I believe I found a solution! I was looking on ebay for ARGB lighting devices and I came across this:

It is a WS2811 daisy chain style ARGB led array that seems to have a circuit connecting the 3 pin argb connection to a 4 pin standard rgb led. So My question here is, could I uses the circuit board inside that LED to connect my rgb strips to my argb header rather than using some expensive hub?
Yeah sorry I probably didn't explain that in enough depth. I have multiple RGB devices that were quite expensive and i am not planning on replacing them. I realy should have planned it better but nevertheless here I am. :)