Question Using Sata Expansion PCIe Card Knocks Out Optical Drive


Jun 28, 2009
Hi all I have used all 6 of the SATA ports on my Asus Z390-A motherboard (4 x RAID10 and 2 for HDD's) - system boots from an M2 SSD. When I rebuilt my PC recently with this mb I tried to connect 2 optical drives using a SATA expansion card. This was unsuccessful as only one would be seen in windows at a time. So having decided to get rid of the older of the 2 Optical drives, I decided to add a Hot Swap PC Bay Adapter for use with SATA 3.5" HDD/SSD's as I have amassed quite a number of SATA HDDs over time. This was, after reflection a really good idea.

However I am experiencing the same problem as above once more. Adding a HDD into the bay and powering on, immediately knocks out the Optical drive. Powering off the bay then recovers the Optical drive once more - it is impossible to use them both at the same time.

Has anyone else had this issue and is there a solution please?


Dec 23, 2019
just a thought. the hdd is dragging to much power and the optic cant get no satisfaction. maybe swap the hdd for something smaller like have the optical drive and/or an ssd plugged into the bay and plug the hdd directly into your mobo?


Jun 28, 2009
Blimey - that was a quick response - thank you! But no I want to retain the use of the Hot Swappable bay for my collection of old HDD's, at least for the time being. You have made me think though - what do you think would happen if I plugged the Optical drive into one of the 2 mb ports, not used by my RAID setup and then plug the displaced HDD into the expansion card, alongside the Hot Swappable Bay? Not tried this yet as it's a PITA getting down to the mb's SATA ports which are buried under a plethora of cables etc.

Just a thought?
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Dec 23, 2019
ive only ever used main board sata ports, ive never used any of these adaptors, but im sure its a similar problem with any multi adaptor. if you look at usb hubs, they work to an extent but you lose returns if you try to drag too much out of them. i say yes to your question though. plug your optical straight into you mobo. you got to look at what the biggest PITA pulling a hard drive out every time you want to watch a dvd or plugging one cable in once.