Using Trinus VR + Vireio Perception + PC = ???

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Jul 17, 2012
I'm trying to use my Samsung Galaxy S8+ to stream my pc display thru my phone with Trinus VR to create a true 3D VR effect. However all that I see is just basically a big image of the game in front of my eyes, not really any depth to it. I've got a cheap headset to close off light and stimulate my eyeballs.

I'm wondering how you even combine this software to create a true 3D effect that shows depth and perception of depth effect to the eyes. Does anyone know? I can't find a guide for this anywhere!

Well I found a ReShade shader where you can try to use stereoscopic 3D with a depth effect Reshade SuperDepth 3D yet I couldn't really get it to work. I tried it in Fallout 3 and I (kind of?) got the depth to work on the gun but there was a weird warping effect around it and even then there wasn't any depth on anything else.
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