Using TV as main display (help)


Aug 13, 2008
So I've been using a Vizio P series 50" from 2015 model p502ui-b1e

It recently went out and I am in need of a replacement and wondering if I could get away with downgrading to a E-series 65" without noticing a huge dramatic quality loss.

Points to consider
My computer is old with a geforce gtx550 Ti (though It was playing mass effect andromeda on the 50"
Most content I watch is on netflix/hulu
My stand alone Blueray is not 4k and I do not own any gaming consoles.
doesn't that have more to do with the ancient video card that does 1920x1080 as max resolution. I mean as it sits am I going to see any benefit from the P-series at all or would it look just as good on a bargain basement 4k tv