Using wireless adapter (USB) as a WEP encrypted structured access point (how)?


Aug 16, 2014
Hi, I have a PSP which only supports WEP wireless networks. WEP is no longer very safe so we opt out not to use it, but this leaves me dry.

I am on Windows 7 home premium. I have two wireless adapters, one internal and one USB adapter.

What I would like is to have one of the adapters act as a access point with WEP (Or TKIP) encryption (structured - as in not ad hoc) while piggy-backing off my other wireless adapater to provide the internet connection. There won't be any wires attached to this system (which is a laptop).

Windows virtual mini-port does not allow the use of a WEP encryption and thus is useless to me. A lot of software out there that offers this type of service only uses the default windows virtual wireless adapter with it's default WPA/AES encryption.

I have looked far and wide with little success. If anyone can give me insight into how this may achieved, your help and time will be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I thought sony fixed that with a firmware upgrade so you could run wpa.

No matter how you accomplish this you have the same security exposure. If you allow the psp to have access to the network someone can easily crack the encryption and use the same path to enter the network.

Pretty much if you want to do it you get another router and run it 802.11b and wep and hook it to your current router. I would recommend a second router even if you manage to patch it and it runs wpa it will still only run 802.11b. If you attempt to run 802.11b on the same router/channels as your main network you will greatly degrade the performance.

At some point it is just going to be cheaper and easier to toss the old gaming devices than to get them to work.
Thanks for your input even though that doesn't address my question directly and I already know all the things you mentioned. I'll assume the answer to my question is simply "It can't be done".