USM Hard drive


Dec 28, 2012
I recently bought a Lenovo K410 desktop computer and it has a slot for a USM hard drive. Has anyone used one of these drives? I can't seem to find any available except Seagate. Really don't want to go with Seagate. Are these a thuing that fizzled out or just not popular yet?

Yes, I have seen these, but not available in USA. I am wondering if the price will go down after they get more popular. Have you used one yet?
They are available, I have 3 of these swappable drive and I love it! Dell and Seagate sell these. look up seagate go backup model STBU1000100

This is a revolution in standarization in drives not only for computers, but these can be used in TVs, cable boxes and etc. Good luck.

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