UTgoty probs after reinstalling



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Hi folx!
Sorry, this is not my native tongue...
I got a prob. I reeinstalled my system, WinXP pro SP2. UT2K4 worx fine,
but i cant get utgoty work correctly. D3D doesnt work, ok, OpenGL worx, but
this sux, (graphical errors, performance).
I just copied my backup on the new system and it doesnt work. I get system
crashes, hanging system or a frame every 15 seconds. Its the same Nvidia
Driver that i used before, no hacked driver.
Oh damn, i wanna play my most loved game again...
BTW: is it usual that the Monitor refresh rate is different between D3D and
openGL? My Maxdata\Belinea CRT 19'' cant store this, so i have to change it


So, nochmal auf deutsch...
Ich hab also den gesicherten Ordner einfach rüberkopiert und damit fing es
an. Nach allen Problemen, wie oben beschrieben, habe ich UT nochmal von den
Originaldisks eingespielt, das Update gemacht, und immer noch die gleiche
Scheiße. Das kanns doch nicht sein. Sorry, ich kenne mich mit Windows
Schüsseln aus, aber das übersteigt meinen Horizont. Was macht da Direct
Draw? Spinne ich, oder Microsoft? Bei 800x600 funktionierts noch, sobald
ich bei D3D auf 1024x768 oder 1280x960 umschalte, trutt der Fehler auf.

Total genervt.

Graphics Card: Nvidia 4280 Driver: 71.89, XPro, Athlon 1800@1500 512cl2 ram


Danke für Hilfe... Klaus
Archived from groups: alt.games.unreal.tournament (More info?)

Klaus Bregel enlightened us with:
> Sorry, this is not my native tongue...

Don't worry, it isn't mine either. I do suggest you use a spell
checker next time.

> D3D doesnt work, ok, OpenGL worx, but this sux, (graphical errors,
> performance).

So.... OpenGL works, right? Why not use it then?

Archived from groups: alt.games.unreal.tournament (More info?)

Am/On Thu, 5 May 2005 17:53:39 +0200 schrieb/wrote MeltDown in

> Klaus Bregel enlightened us with:
>> Sorry, this is not my native tongue...
> Don't worry, it isn't mine either. I do suggest you use a spell
> checker next time.
>> D3D doesnt work, ok, OpenGL worx, but this sux, (graphical errors,
>> performance).
> So.... OpenGL works, right? Why not use it then?
> MeltDown

Uhm, i suspected that, why dont u help me?

No, i dont wanna use openGL, cause its on windoze machines slower, and even
worse, it has graphical errors, that i dont wanna have. OK, its not
official, but u can google for it. I even tried the new unofficial Drivers
from Nvidia, with openGL2.0, but i cant see anything better.

Is it that my fault that i didnt properly uninstall my drivers from the
registry? -? That cant be my fault, cause i eliminated all registry entries
that had anything to do with the graphicsdriver and UTgoty.

-- Might be that i have a hardware prob, but i never overclocked my system,
nore the graphicscard. Even - if i had, why is UT2K4 still working fine???

I apreciate any help. - Klaus
Archived from groups: alt.games.unreal.tournament (More info?)

somebody might me send a user.ini and a system.ini by mail
email worx.... Ill try them out.

I wanna play facingworlds.and again beat them...

groupies are wellcome - nice food...
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did i get it correctly that ut2004 and other games do work correctly? Did
you test your drivers using dxdiag? do you experience the problems only when
playing or also during the intro? try to reduce all graphic-settings to the
minimum with a resolution of 1024x768x32, just to see if it works.
feel free to mail me if you want, you can do this in german.
Archived from groups: alt.games.unreal.tournament (More info?)

Klaus Bregel enlightened us with:
> Uhm, i suspected that, why dont u help me?

Apparently, the information you gave wasn't enough.

> No, i dont wanna use openGL, cause its on windoze machines slower,
> and even worse, it has graphical errors, that i dont wanna have.

There is a better OpenGL renderer available for windows. I'm sure
there are windows users here that can help you out there.

> Is it that my fault that i didnt properly uninstall my drivers from
> the registry? -? That cant be my fault, cause i eliminated all
> registry entries that had anything to do with the graphicsdriver and
> UTgoty.

Messing around in the registry can cause all kind of problems...

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Am/On Thu, 5 May 2005 20:19:53 +0200 schrieb/wrote Ralf Glauberman in

> did i get it correctly that ut2004 and other games do work correctly? Did
> you test your drivers using dxdiag? do you experience the problems only when
> playing or also during the intro? try to reduce all graphic-settings to the
> minimum with a resolution of 1024x768x32, just to see if it works.
> feel free to mail me if you want, you can do this in german.
> Ralf

i did. reduce to 640x480, but nothingh helps, thetes something goin wrong
whith nvidia ore windose drivers...

any help apprecheated ---- damn - gonna fix this
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i would suggest you remove every graphikdriver that might exist in your
system, there could be more than one, so check it. i once ran into trouble
when i had a driver installed via windows-update and tried to update this
one with a nvidia reference driver. this resulted in having two drivers
installed in the system, so make sure you remove really every component.
then reinstall the driver, you might have to reinstall directx as well.
Archived from groups: alt.games.unreal.tournament (More info?)

Am/On Fri, 6 May 2005 00:24:04 +0200 schrieb/wrote Ralf Glauberman in

> i would suggest you remove every graphikdriver that might exist in your
> system, there could be more than one, so check it. i once ran into trouble
> when i had a driver installed via windows-update and tried to update this
> one with a nvidia reference driver. this resulted in having two drivers
> installed in the system, so make sure you remove really every component.
> then reinstall the driver, you might have to reinstall directx as well.

genau das habe ich getan. ich habe den 75.90 nvidia treiber wieder
deinstalliert und habe jetzt wieder die offizelle 71.89 version drauf. alle
anderen games liefen problemlos. AOEII, Stronghold2, UT2K4, Empire Earth2
Demo, Far Cry, etc.. Die benutzen alle DirectDraw, nur UTgoty zickt rum.
Als ich es leid war, habe ichs neu installiert, und wieder der gleiche
Mist. (von den 2 originaldisks)
Ich werd bald noch wahnsinnig. Vielleicht funzt es ja wieder, wenn ich mein
System neu aufsetze, das bedeutet jedoch 2 Tage Arbeit, da mein XPpro schon
eineinhalb Jahre seinen guten Dienst leistet.

Naja, gestern habe ichs nochmal gespielt, aber die Grafikfehler, speziell
bei FacingWorlds unter OpenGL nerven einfach...

Gruß Klaus
Archived from groups: alt.games.unreal.tournament (More info?)

> Ich werd bald noch wahnsinnig. Vielleicht funzt es ja wieder, wenn ich
> mein
> System neu aufsetze, das bedeutet jedoch 2 Tage Arbeit, da mein XPpro
> schon
> eineinhalb Jahre seinen guten Dienst leistet.
Wart mal noch, ich hab grad zum ersten mal seit einigen monaten goty wieder
gestartet und hab exakt das gleiche problem, ebenfalls nvidia. werd mal
schauen, wenn ich was finde. ich krieg volle leistung im fenstermodus, teste
das mal.
Archived from groups: alt.games.unreal.tournament (More info?)

Am/On Fri, 6 May 2005 16:26:17 +0200 schrieb/wrote Ralf Glauberman in

>> Ich werd bald noch wahnsinnig. Vielleicht funzt es ja wieder, wenn ich
>> mein
>> System neu aufsetze, das bedeutet jedoch 2 Tage Arbeit, da mein XPpro
>> schon
>> eineinhalb Jahre seinen guten Dienst leistet.
> Wart mal noch, ich hab grad zum ersten mal seit einigen monaten goty wieder
> gestartet und hab exakt das gleiche problem, ebenfalls nvidia. werd mal
> schauen, wenn ich was finde. ich krieg volle leistung im fenstermodus, teste
> das mal.
> mfg
> Ralf

ja, supi, dann bin ich ja nicht alleine. ich kriegs nicht gebacken.
Unfassbar, Ich dachte bisher, dass ich mit windoze systemen auskenne, aber
nix is. goty funzt nicht mehr. wenn jemand eine Problemlösung hat, soll er
sie poten
achja, bevor ich das vergesse @meltdown... du kannst dich langsam
verpissen, so lange du nix zur Hilfe beiträgst ist das echt tinnef.

bis dann - Klaus